13th January 2020
Walesby Parish Council.
Minutes of a meeting of Walesby Parish Council held on Monday 13 January 2020 at 7.30 pm.
Present: Cllr David Thurman, (Chairman), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr Sara Sprague, Cllr David Milles. Cllr Mandy Ashley, Cllr Judith Sweny, Cllr Peter Braithwaite
In attendance: Cllr Strange, Mrs V Davies (clerk)
6 members of the public
1. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Bunney.
2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act.
None were declared. Declarations would be declared throughout the agenda.
3. Minutes. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 11.11.2019.
Proposed Cllr Thurman, seconded Cllr Ashton and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of 11.11.19. Cllr Thurman signed the minutes.
4. Public Forum
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Ashley seconded to suspend the meeting for a 15-minute public forum.
Cllr Strange discussed the BOAT. There was a grant to repair the bank. Off road riding would be prevented during the two-year period of the repairs. It was proposed that the gate be locked, to prevent off-road riding, and to have a side gate available for walkers and horse riding. It was further proposed to have a fence around the edge of the BOAT after the gate when it is reopened separating the footpath from the BOAT. Action: Clerk to email Chris Miller, the countryside officer.
Cllr Strange reported the following
• Linwood speed limit 30 mph
• A46 50mph speed limit implemented
• Mrs Debbie Barnes becomes Lincolnshire’s new Chief Executive.
• Work starts on Nettleham roundabout shortly
Cllr Thurman raised the issue of blocked drains. Cllr Sprague would send Cllr Strange a copy of the highways emails.
A Parishioner asked if there were any intentions to improve mobile phone signals. If the Parish Hall obtained broadband, the situation may improve for residents who had wifi-calling enabled on their mobile phones.
Cllr Thurman proposed to close the public forum, seconded Cllr Ashley.
Walesby Parish Council.
5. Broadband.
Cllr Ashton gave an update on the Broadband progress. The team had spoken to every resident apart from 2 properties and an application had been submitted to Open Reach. The application (Tealby and Walesby exchange) had been made with 98 residencies and 22 businesses. Open Reach had come back with an offer, providing an estimated cost for every resident. There is currently a shortfall but West Lindsey had assured the steering group that LCC will make up the shortfall. The next step is that Open Reach will conduct an accurate survey and respond with actual costs. It was noted that 13 of the properties are attached to the Market Rasen exchange so will have to be applied for as a separate project. Cllr Thurman proposed that the steering committee submit a further application for the Market Rasen exchange. This was seconded by Cllr Sweny. Cllr Ashton confirmed that any promises to meet the shortfall would be received in writing as part of the contract before the work is agreed.
The parish council thanked the steering group for their efforts.
There would be an update on Broadband progress published on the website. Action: Cllr Sprague. A further open meeting would take place regarding Broadband.
6. Proper Officer’s Report and correspondence.
i. Request for a grant to the church. Cllr Thurman had written to Rev Hewitt.
ii. Best village photo competition. This would not be progressed.
iii. Clustering.
iv. Lowering of the speed limit on A46
v. Letter to Revd Hewitt regarding the closure of All Saints churchyard see item 8.
vi. Letter to Ministry of Justice objecting to the closure of All Saints churchyard.
vii. Police and Crime Commissioner Annual Survey
viii. Road closure. There was a notice to close the BOAT to complete the repairs.
7. Footpath Ex - Glebe land. To report update and to ratify DMMO application.
There had been a confirmation that the DMMO application had been received. The application was no 154. Lincolnshire County Council are currently considering application no 25 dating back to 1985.
Cllr Sprague asked who would finance the maintenance the footpath. Cllr Thurman considered that this would be classified as a footpath and would be the responsibility of highways. Cllr Sprague highlighted that the Parish Council may potentially be charged with the upkeep.
8. Closure of All Saints Churchyard
There had been no response to the letter sent to the Parochial Church council. This included a request to meet with the Parochial Church council. The Parish council had objected to the application on the grounds that the churchyard was not full.
Under the Local Government act, if a Church of England churchyard is being used as a graveyard and is closed the Parochial Parish Council have the power to pass the responsibility of the church graveyard on to the Parish council who in turn could pass the responsibility onto the district council. In order for the churchyard to be closed it has to be full or not useable.
As the Parish Council had not received a response to their letter, it was proposed to send a follow up letter to ask if the application had been submitted.
9. LALC Advice – Donations to churches
The clerk had highlighted a LALC bulletin which clarified that Parish councils were not permitted to grant to the general upkeep of a church. The parish council had powers to grant for churchyards and the upkeep of a clock. However, grants for general maintenance were not permitted.
10. Highways.
A. Highways faults reported
Rasen Road (case no: 4140826)
1. Pot hole - near Walesby house (currently has a cone in it).
2. Pot hole - opposite 2nd gateway upon leaving village (currently has a cone in it).
3. Pot hole - just after caravan park where the flooding sign is
Walesby Hill ( case no: 4140827)
Pot hole - just after leaving village on left side of road
(Case no: 4140831)
Culvert and blocked drain
Moor Road ( case no: 4140829
Road edge broken away 300- 400 after leaving the village on
Cllr Sprague reported that the cones would be removed from the pot holes as the Parish Council did not have the insurance to cover any accidents caused by the cones.
B. Annual Litter Pick.
The Annual Litter Pick would take place on Saturday 29 February. Refreshments would be provided. Cllr Sweny, proposed, Cllr Thurman seconded that the refreshments be funded from the Chairman’s Fund (£50-£60 limit).
11. Footpaths. To receive any updates, including BOAT.
There were no further updates.
12. Finance.
a) To ratify payments.
401 - V Davies - £120.12 Clerk Salary
402 - V Davies - £36.78 Clerk expenses
403 - LALC - £68.40 Training Fee
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Braithwaite seconded approval of the cheques for payment. Cllr Thurman scrutinized the invoices and Cllr Thurman and Cllr Ashton signed the cheques.
b) Monthly financial report.
Cllrs received the monthly financial report. Cllr Thurman had verified the balances and signed the bank statement and bank reconciliation.
13. Training Update
Cllr Sprague and Cllr Ashley had been on the new Councillors training.
It was highlighted that certain policies should be in place:-
• Funding and Grants
• Emergency Policy
• Equal Opportunities
• Employment
This was deferred to next meeting.
14. Planning
a) Planning applications. To consider any planning applications and to note any approved since last meeting.
140256 Mill House Farm application. The re-application had been received. This had been viewed by councillors. There were no comments.
Date of next meeting: Monday 9 March 2020 at 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 21.05