Meeting with Parishioners 13 May 2024

Minutes of the Annual Meeting with Parishioners held Tuesday 13th May 2024 at 7.00pm.
PRESENT: D. Thurman, D Milles, M Ashley, P Braithwaite, S Wilson, T Norgrove.
In attendance: V Davies (Clerk, RFO),
2 Members of the public
  1. Minutes Of The Meeting Held 16th May 2023:
The Parish Council resolved that they be signed as a true record. Proposed Cllr Thurman, Seconded Cllr Norgrove. Unanimously approved by all councillors.
  1. Chairman’s Report
Cllr Thurman reported the following:-

Thanks were given to Cllr Norgrove who does an excellent job chasing highways. Earlier in the year we did generate some interest in security cameras in the village. However this was not pursued.

The Parish have been encouraged by WLDC to set up an Emergency Plan. However the template is too complicated for our requirements. The Parish Council is considering installing a generator in the village hall and using the Emergency contact list (as was done during COVID).

The Parish Council had to reduce the grant support to village organisations to enable us to keep the precept as low as possible. The precept is a levy on council tax demands and the Parish Council is aiming to keep the precept down as low as possible.

A grant of £9 was given to the God’s Acre Group towards the mower service. A benefactor had paid for mosdt of it..

Cllr Norgrove successfully  pursued a fully funded grant from West Lindsey District Council to purchase a replacement shed for the Village Hall.

The noticeboard on Rasen Road had been replaced at a cost of £377 as it had been in poor repair. The village hall committee have agreed to allow the parish council to erect the noticeboard on the village hall.

The village hall leaflet would be updated.
3.Responsible Financial Officer Report:
The RFO presented the accounts as at 31 March 2024. Reserves to be carried forward are £4204.88.
4. Open Meeting:
No questions were raised.
The meeting closed at 7.07pm