11th November 2019
Walesby Parish Council.
Minutes of a meeting of Walesby Parish Council held on Monday 11 November at 7.30
Present: Cllr David Thurman, (Chairman), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr Sara Sprague, Cllr David Milles. Cllr Mandy Ashley, Cllr Judith Sweny, Cllr Peter Braithwaite
In attendance: Cllr S Bunney, Mrs V Davies (clerk)
5 members of the public
1. Apologies for Absence.
There were no apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act.
None were declared. Declarations would be declared throughout the agenda.
3. Minutes. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 9.9.2019.
Proposed Cllr Sprague, seconded Cllr Milles and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of 9.9.19. Cllr Thurman signed the minutes.
4. Public Forum
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Ashley seconded to suspend the meeting for a 15-minute public forum.
The litter-pick would be on the agenda for the next meeting. Thanks, were given to Pat Townsend for the many years of organisation and hard work.. Cllr Sprague and Cllr Ashley volunteered for next year in a private capacity.
Cllr Bunney advised that West Lindsey received a grant to assist litter picking and could provide a litter pick kit.
Cllr Thurman proposed to close the public forum, seconded Cllr Ashley.
5. Broadband.
There had been two informal meetings to look at the interest in the village to see if there would be enough declarations of interest evidence. 105 out of 111 declarations had now been completed.
Walesby Parish Council.
It was proposed that the group would be a steering group for the Parish Council. This would comprise Cllr Sprague, Cllr Ashton, Joe Magrin and Andrew Morriss. Cllr Sprague distributed the Timeline and Targets and the Terms of Reference relating to the Steering Group.
It was highlighted that notification of all planned expenditure would be given to the Parish Council before actual costs were incurred.
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Milles seconded approval of the Terms of Reference for the steering group. Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Milles seconded the proposal that Group information could be available on the Walesby Website.
6. Proper Officer’s Report and correspondence.
i. Recommendations for 2020 contracts. Following a two-year procurement process, Balfour Beatty Group Ltd, Colas Ltd and WSP UK Ltd have been recommended to deliver highways services for Lincolnshire County Council from 1 April 2020.
ii. Adoption of Statement of community involvement. This was a new policy adopted by Lincolnshire County Council.
iii. Invitation to Rural Housing Conference
iv. Powers to give financial assistance. The clerk had investigated the powers regarding grants.
v. Gigabit vouchers - Community Broadband Meeting with village.
Lincolnshire programme broadband update
vi. Precept information. The clerk would submit the precept application form to West Lindsey District council when the budget had been approved.
vii. LALC weekly bulletin.
viii. All Saints Churchyard – See item 8,
ix. Highways issues – covered under highways.
x. Grant request for clock and churchyard. See Item 9.
xi. Friends of the old church Walesby. The Parish council had made a grant in this Financial year of £400. Further grant considerations would be made in the next financial year. Action: Clerk to advise of situation.
7. Footpath Ex - Glebe land. To report update and to ratify DMMO application.
Cllr Braithwaite declared an interest as he had completed a DMMO evidence form.
Cllr Thurman advised that a steering group had gathered the evidence forms and the Parish council was now requested to ratify the application.
Cllr Sprague asked for another villager to submit the DMMO and did not consider that the application should be submitted by the Parish Council. Cllr Thurman clarified the process. LALC had confirmed the Parish Council did not have a duty to complete the application but had a power to co-ordinate the application. The Parish Council had been asked to co-ordinate the DMMO application process and 19 residents had completed evidence forms. It would then be the decision of the county council to adjudicate on the DMMO application.
Cllr Milles, proposed, Cllr Sweny seconded that the application be submitted by the Parish Council on behalf of the users. This was approved by a vote in which Cllr Braithwaite declared an interest and Cllr Sprague abstained.
8. Walesby PCC Application Regarding All Saints Churchyard Closure and Maintenance
Cllr Thurman detailed the implications: -
Under the Local Government act, if a Church of England churchyard is being used as a graveyard and is closed the Parochial Parish Council have the power to pass the responsibility of the church graveyard on to the Parish council who in turn could pass the responsibility onto the district council. In order for the churchyard to be closed it has to be full or not useable.
The Parish Council considered the proposal to close the churchyard. The parish council were asked to respond if they had an objection to the application. The application stated that the reason for the closure was because there was no room for further graves. The Parish Council did not agree to the reason as they considered there was room for new graves.
In addition a secondary reason was lack of public vehicular access and poor pedestrian access. The council felt this was not relevant as the church always allow vehicular access for events at the church and as the path up to and through the churchyard was part of the Viking Way were puzzled about the comments regarding pedestrian access.
The proposal also indicated that the churchyard was in a “Fair” state of repair. The Parish council considered that the churchyard was in a “Poor” state of repair.
Finally as closure seemed to be to facilitate transfer of responsibility for maintenance and as the Ministry of Justice guidance notes about closure state that closure would not be allowed if that was the reason for the request the council felt that the request would be refused anyway.
The Parish Council agreed in principle to the objections mentioned. Cllr Thurman would distribute a draft document of comments to the Ministry of Justice and a draft letter to the PCC for consultation to the parish council. The agreed documents would be sent to the Parochial Church Council.
9. Walesby PCC Grant Application.
Cllrs considered a grant application from Walesby PCC. Cllrs reviewed the current budgeted expenditure against estimated expenditure in the current financial year. There was currently an estimated £300 remaining in the 2019-20 budget.
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Ashton seconded to a grant of £150 to Walesby All Saints PCC for the clock and £150 to Walesby St Mary’s PCC. A covering letter would be sent to the PCC advising that we will consider further grants in the next financial year. As the clerk was going on leave, Cllr Thurman would send the letter on the clerk’s behalf. Action: Cllr Thurman.
10. Highways.
a) To update broken salt bin on Rasen Road. This has been resolved.
b) To consider general highways matters, including flooding. The clerk had received notification that the jetting work on Walesby Hill and Otby Lane and culvert work on Rasen Road was planned and that certain ribbing of verges had been completed. However, there had still been recent flooding. Cllr Sprague would chase up the issues with highways. Action: clerk to forward the contact details to Cllr Sprague.
C) It was resolved that Joe Magrin would send out a Parish newsletter by email regarding the flooding issues on the following lines:-.
“The Parish council contacts the county council when flooding occurs. The County Council attend and clear the drains. However, the drains block up again soon afterwards in the current climate. Could villagers please try to keep drains clear outside their own premises. The more residents who contact highways when there is a flooding issue the better the potential outcome would be." Faults can be logged using the web address https://fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk/. "
Discussion took place regarding the condition of Gypsy Lane. Action: Clerk to email Middle Rasen Parish Council regarding the condition on the edges of Gypsy Lane. Action: Clerk.
11. Footpaths. To receive any updates, including BOAT.
There were no updates.
12. Finance.
a) To ratify payments.
396 |
V Davies |
£120.12 |
Clerk Salary |
397 |
V Davies |
£38.98 |
Clerk expenses |
399 |
Walesby PCC St Marys |
£150.00 |
Grant |
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Sweny seconded approval of the cheques for payment. Cllr Thurman scrutinized the invoices and Cllr Thurman and Cllr Ashton signed the cheques.
b) To consider the budget for 2020/21.
Cllrs considered the draft budget. Cllr Sweny proposed, Cllr Thurman seconded, and it was unanimously agreed by all Councillors that the Parish Council agree a budget of £2,400. Action: Clerk to process the Precept paperwork. Action: Clerk to verify the membership amount for LALC membership.
c) Monthly financial report.
Cllrs received the monthly financial report. Cllr Thurman had verified the balances and signed the bank statement and bank reconciliation.
13. Planning
a) Planning applications. To consider any planning applications and to note any approved since last meeting.
There were no applications. Cllrs noted that a neighbourhood plan should be considered in the future.
14. To resolve to go into closed session to confirm Clerk’s appointment
The Parish Council confirmed the appointment of the Clerk following a 6-month probationary period. Proposed Cllr Thurman, Seconded Cllr Ashton and agreed by all Cllrs.
Date of next meeting: Mon 13 January 2020 at 7.30pm,
The meeting closed at 21.40pm.