9th March 2020
Walesby Parish Council.
Minutes of a meeting of Walesby Parish Council held on Monday 9 March 2020 at 7.30 pm.
Present: Cllr David Thurman, (Chairman), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr Sara Sprague, Cllr David Milles, Cllr Judith Sweny,
In attendance: WLDC Cllr S Bunney, Mrs V Davies (clerk)
4 members of the public
13/2020 Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from. Cllr Ashley, and Cllr Braithwaite.
14/2020 Declarations of interest under the Localism Act.
None were declared. Declarations would be declared throughout the agenda.
15/2020 Minutes. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 13.1.2020.
Proposed Cllr Milles, seconded Cllr Sprague and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of 13.1.20. Cllr Thurman signed the minutes.
16/2020 Public Forum
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Milles seconded to suspend the meeting for a 15-minute public forum.
The only item raised was that there was a planning application for Catskin Lane which is subject to flooding.
Cllr Thurman proposed to close the public forum, seconded Cllr Ashton.
17/2020 Broadband.
Cllr Ashton gave an update on the Broadband progress. At the last meeting it had been resolved that the steering group would work with the Market Rasen exchange regarding provision of super-fast broadband for the 13 properties in Rasen Road and Moor Road. The initial estimate using BT Openreach had been £16k per property.. With a self-dig option, costs could be reduced to £8k/house. Representatives from Quantum were present. Quantum provide a fixed wireless service to the community working in conjunction with various other service providers. A wired and wireless solution could be considered for the whole parish. A parishioner had tried wireless using a wireless SIM but it had been difficult to achieve a consistent speed. Quantum would survey the sites to review the situation and report back.
Walesby Parish Council.
Cllr Ashton gave an update on the Tealby exchange solution. A survey with costs was awaited. Should the costs be unfeasible for outlying properties alternative solutions may be considered.
18/2020 Proper Officer’s Report and correspondence.
1. Revd. Hewitt re churchyard. This was covered under item 8
2. Email from David Rodger re work in All Saints churchyard
3. LALC bulletins and Cllr Marfleet’s Feb 2020 bulletin had been forwarded to councillors.
4. Temporary Traffic Restriction - Walesby Hill (Caistor Lane to B1225) 30/31st March. This was on the website.
5. The clerk had received information from Insurers regarding public liability insurance if the parish council took over maintenance of All Saints churchyard and volunteers worked on the churchyard. Risk assessments would required.
19/2020 Footpath Ex - Glebe land. To report update
There was no update
21/2020 Closure of All Saints Churchyard
An informal meeting had taken place. The Parish council would continue to discuss the matter further with the PCC.
23/2020 Highways.
Cllr Sprague had spoken to highways again on Monday (3/2//20) for an update on the potholes/ blocked drains etc around the village.
There had been issues of Fly Tipping which have been reported to LCC.
23/2020 Footpaths. To receive any updates, including BOAT.
There were no further updates.
24/2020 Finance
a) To ratify payments.
Payments |
404 |
T J Book-keeping |
£10.00 |
Payroll costs |
406 |
V Davies |
£120.12 |
Clerk salary |
407 |
£79.68 |
Membership |
408 |
V Davies |
£40.44 |
Clerk expenses |
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Milles seconded approval of the cheques for payment. Cllr Thurman scrutinised the invoices and Cllr Thurman and Cllr Ashton signed the cheques.
b) Monthly financial report.
Cllrs received the monthly financial report. Cllr Thurman had verified the balances and signed the bank statement and bank reconciliation.
25/2020 Grant for Litter pick Refreshments
The Annual Litter Pick would take place on Saturday 21 March. Refreshments would be provided. Cllr Thurman, proposed, Cllr Sprague seconded that the refreshments be funded from the Chairman’s Fund (£50-£60 limit).
26/2020 Planning
a) Planning applications. To consider any planning applications and to note any approved since last meeting.
i) Application reference no: 140560. Land at Catskin Lane Walesby. Outline planning application for 1 dwelling.
Cllrs made the following comments:- The application is not appropriate for the following reasons.
AONB. It is not appropriate under the AONB principles. In addition, under LPP 55 Part D of the Central Lincolnshire local plan what would be the purpose to build a property on agricultural land.
Growth Plan - We are concerned that this represents over development. Size of the village – Under LP4 Walesby is a small village. We have reached the capacity. 11 extra dwellings were permitted under the 2012-2036 growth plan. We have already reached that limit (MP03/P/0782, M00/P/0461) have not been allowed for in the applicants report. They are under investigation but should be included; we are therefore over the limit.
Catskin Lane – not suitable development in the village. Vehicle access and highway safety, and additional traffic generation are a concern.
We object to the comment in the planning statement that Catskin Lane would offer the natural growth of the village development. Catskin Lane development would substantially change the character and shape of the village which is why applications on this site in the past have previously been refused.
The provision of utilities (as there are currently none in place) to the site would impact the carbon footprint and the bio-diversity of the environment (LP18). Adjacent to the site is an area of ancient woodland.
ii) Application reference no: 140597. Otby Top Farm High Street Walesby
Walesby Parish Council.
Market Rasen LN8 3UU: Planning application for conversion and extension to dwelling.
There were no objections.
iii) 140679 - Mill House Farm. Request for confirmation of compliance with conditions 6 and 7 of planning permission 140256 granted 16 January 2020.
The Parish Council had no comments.
28/2020 Police Panel Meeting
Cllr Thurman had attended the Police Panel Meeting. It had been noted that Claxby has a 7.5 cwt weight limit through the village and it was proposed for the limit to be introduced in Walesby. PCSO Evans would chase this up. It was resolved that Cllr Thurman would contact PC Emma Devlin and the Police Inspectors. The use of the SID (Speed Indicator Device) would also be pursued. In addition, Community Speedwatch would be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting in May.
27/2020 Training Update
This was deferred to the next meeting.
Date of next meeting: Monday 11 May 2020 – 7.30. This will include the annual Parish Meeting.
The meeting closed at 21.30