11th March 2019
Notes of Walesby Parish Council Meeting held on 11th March 2019, 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Walesby
Present: Cllr David Thurman (Chair), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr David Milles, Cllr Judith Sweny, Cllr Sara Sprague, Cllr T Smith (WLDC) and 7 members of the public.
1. Apologies.
Apologies received from Cllr Braithwaite
2. Declarations of interest. None
3. Minutes.
Proposed by Cllr Ashton, seconded by Cllr Sweny and resolved that the notes from the meeting held on 14th January 2019 be approved as a true record and signed as minutes.
4. Public Forum.
Proposed by Cllr Thurman and seconded by Sara Sprague to suspend the meeting to allow 15 minutes of public forum.
5. Proper Officer’s Report
• 13/1/2019 Request for Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association (LFA) subscription.
• 21//1/2019 Planning application 138945 Walesby House Condition 2 (Agenda Item 13)
• 25/1/2019 Planning application 138912 Sunnyside Up (Item 13)
• 281/2019 and 26/2/2019 LCC Road closures at level crossing Moor Road
• 30/1/2019 WLDC Posters re Modern slavery and Human Trafficking
• 31/1/2019 and 6/2/2019 LCC Robin Gill re drainage and flooding issues (Item 10))
• 1/2/2019 Cllr Hugo Marfleet brief
• 6/2/2019 Countryside Services update re BOAT (Item11)
• 13/2/2019 Wolds Countryside Services re Ex Glebe Land (Item 8)
• 20/2/2019 WLDC Renumeration Panel vacancy information
• 20/2/2019 WLDC Great British Spring Clean poster
• 21/2/2019 LCC Cllr Davies re Highways Issues
• 21/2/2019 LCC Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) information
• 25/2/2019 Countryside Services/Access DMMO information and booklet (Item 8)
• 4/3/2019 LCC acknowledgement of grit bin damage on Rasen Road (Item 10)
• 6/3/2019 Planning application Mill House Farm 139113 (Added to Item 13)
• 6/3/2019 Stephen Brooks re Broadband (item 7)
6. Parish Clerk vacancy
A new Parish Clerk has been interviewed and appointed to start 1st April 2019.
7. Broadband
Cllr Thurman reported on progress and correspondence from Stephen Brooks. Still awaiting appointment of WLDC Support Officer and news of Phase 3 contract.
8. Access to Ex - Glebe land
Evidence statements have been collected from residents to support historical access.
Discussion of options and merits of applying for new public right of way via LCC/ LFA/Ramblers
Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Ashton and resolved to further investigate DMMO application process via LCC Countryside Services.
9. Update of Village leaflet
Review of pages within Village Booklet and potential revisions discussed. Proposed by Cllr Milles, seconded by Cllr Sprague and resolved to approach original authors to update information as needed for PCC, Village Hall committee, Village Club committee pages, to update the link to Joe,, to correct 117 footpath reference and to change the first line of the last paragraph of the AONB section to state that the council will support an application to WLDC for trees and hedging..
10. Highways
a) Cllr Thurman reported on site visit with Robin Gill, Highways Officer on 11th March. Actions
Walesby Parish Council.
agreed for Otby Lane, Rasen Road and Walesby Hill to include rodding between drains, investigation/clearing of culverts and ‘grip’ cutting to aid flow of water from road to ditch. b) Damaged salt bin on Rasen Road reported. Reference number 4119865
c) Discussion of potholes on Gypsy Lane. Proposed by Cllr Sweny, seconded by Cllr Sprague and resolved to request replacement Single Lane signage to discourage HGV traffic from A46
11. Footpaths
Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Ashton and resolved that Cllr Thurman contact Chris Marsh and Councillor Strange regarding action for the BOAT to Claxby.
12. Finance
Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Ashton and resolved to accept the financial report from Cllr Braithwaite, prepared 4/3/2019.
a) Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Milles and resolved to cancel original cheque for £50 and issue new one for £60.70 to P.Townsend for litter pick expenses.
b) Proposed by Cllr Milles, seconded by Cllr Ashton and resolved to pay LALC subscription of £76.98
c) Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Sweny and resolved to pay LFA subscription
13. Planning applications.
a) 138912 (Sunnyside Up) Application now withdrawn
b) 138945 (Walesby House) Condition 2 approved
c) 139118 Mill House Farm
Discussion of proposed plans and implications of development to site.
Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Sweny and resolved to ask WLDC for a Heritage statement, to ask for correction of Section 22 of the application form regarding the proximity of footpaths/bridleway and visibility from Otby Lane (the form currently states that the site cannot be seen from any public highway, PROW or bridleway) and to approach Claxby PC for information of any neighbouring development applications for the site.
14. Forward dates of PC meetings
Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Ashton and resolved to accept the proposed dates of 8th July 2019, 9th September, 11th November, 13th January 2020, 9th March and 11th May and add them to the website.
15. Date of next meeting: 13th May 2019 at 7.30pm, following the Annual Parish meeting.
Cllr Thurman closed the meeting at 9.15pm