13th May 2019
Notes of Walesby Parish Council Meeting held on 13th May 2019, 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Walesby
Present: Cllr David Thurman (Chair), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr David Milles, Cllr Judith Sweny, Cllr Sara Sprague,Cllr Peter Braithwaite and 9 members of the public.
1. Election of Chairman
Councillor Ashton proposed Councillor Thurman be re-elected as Chair. This was seconded by Councillor David Milles.
2. Election of Vice Chairman
Proposed by Councillor Thurman seconded by Councillor Braithwaite and resolved to appoint Councillor Jeanette Ashton as vice Chair.
3. Acceptance of Office
Councilors Ashton, Braithwaite, Thurman and Sprague signed the Acceptance of Office. These would also be completed by Councillor Milles and Sweny as soon as possible.
4. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor Strange.
5. Declarations of interest
Planning Applications. Councillor Milles and Councillor Sweny declared an interest as they lived adjacent to the Plovers.
6. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2019
Proposed by Cllr Sprague, seconded by Cllr Sweny and resolved that the notes from the meeting held on 11 March 2019 be approved as a true record and signed as minutes.
7. Public Forum.
Proposed by Cllr Thurman and seconded by Councillor Sprague to suspend the meeting to allow 15 minutes of public forum.
8. Proper Officer’s Report
• Complaint – now resolved.
• Superfast broadband
• Claiming a footpath.
• Rights of Way mowing - Four footpaths (118, 117, 119, 115)- would be cut twice a year
Walesby Parish Council.
• Planning application - Sunnyside Up Farm Shop, Poplar Farm Tealby Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UL. The application had been withdrawn and was not discussed at the previous meeting. The Parish Council had requested the closing date for the application to be deferred. No response had been received.
• LALC weekly update.
• Update from Highways on Jetting works
• Ian Elliott reply re Mill House Farm application
• Claire Hill street Lighting Update
9. Finance
Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Ashton and resolved to accept the financial report from the Responsible Financial Officer, prepared 13/5/2019.
9. i) Accounts Summary and to agree cheques for Payment.
Payments summary
a) 357 (Paid 2.4.19) - Lincs Footpath Assoc - £5.00 Subs
b) 358 (paid 17.4.19) Data Protection - ICO - £40.00 Subs
c) 359 - Zurich Insurance - £178.27 Insurance
d) 360 - V Davies - £60.06 Clerk Salary
e) 386 - V Davies - £69.97 Clerk expenses
f) 387 - V Davies - £35.33 Clerk expenses
Total - £388.63
.Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Sweny to ratify the payments of LFA and ICO subscription and to authorise the above payments.
Councillors Thurman and Milles signed the cheques. Councillor Thurman scrutinized the invoices for payment and verified the Bank reconciliation.
ii) Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2018.
a) To Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit
The Parish Council noted that the internal auditor had reviewed the accounts and is happy with the councillors systems of internal control.
b) To Execute Annual Governance Statement
The Council as a whole considered the effectiveness of the system of internal control and prepared the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Return).
The council approved the annual Governance Statement which was signed on behalf of the Council by the Chairman.
c) To Approve Statement of Accounts 2018/19 (all documents inserted on the website).
The council as a whole considered the accounting statements (Section 2 Accounting Statements 2018/19.
The Parish Council approved the Accounting Statement which was signed on behalf of the Council by the Chairman.
d) To Execute Certificate of Exemption
The parish council certified itself as exempt from a limited assurance review under
Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and completed a Certificate of Exemption.
e) To Execute the Notice of Public Rights
Notices would be published on the noticeboards and website advertising the Rights of the Public to inspect the Accounts.
10. To discuss and resolve on the renewal of insurance policy
Councillor Sweny questioned what was included in the Insurance Summary. Councillor Thurman detailed the Insurance Schedule. The Parish Council approved the renewal.
11. Update of Village leaflet
There had been no response from the village Hall or the Rector. Action clerk to chase for responses.
12. Planning applications.
i) Application reference no: 138912
Proposal: Planning application for proposed irrigation pond including site levelling using excavated material and associated agricultural building
Location: Sunnyside Up Farm Shop, Poplar Farm Tealby Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UL. Comments now closed. There were no comments.
ii) Application reference no: 139311
Walesby Parish Council.
Proposal: Planning application for the erection of 1no. two storey detached dwelling with associated landscaping and parking area.
Location: Land adjacent to Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
Councillors Milles and Sweny were not able to comment as they had declared an interest.
The Parish Council agreed to submit the following comments:-
• Overshadowing (loss of outlook) consideration on the West Elevation and the East Elevation. There are AONB considerations relating to the infilling of gardens. Refer to previous planning decisions where infilling has been refused.
• Concerns with lack of parking spaces and manoeuvrability of the vehicles in a small space. There needs to be at least 3 spaces for a 4 bedroom dwelling.
As there are plans for a new 3 bedroom property on the same site there are concerns about layout and density.
iii) Application reference no: 139358
Proposal: Planning application for replacement windows, installation of patio doors to north elevation, and alterations to porch.
Location: Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
There were no comments.
iv) Application reference no: 139346
Proposal: Planning application for change of use from 3no. holiday let units to 1no. residential unit with garden space and car port.
Location: Land at Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
There were no comments.
Proposed Councillor Thurman, Seconded Councillor Ashton the above comments be made.
v) Planning applications approved;
• Planning application. 139288.Agricultural Barn - Rasen Road (Arden Farms)
• Planning application. 139222.Agricultural Barn Mill House Barn.
• Planning Application. 138945. Condition 4 of Walesby House.
13. Footpaths
BOAT from Walesby to Claxby.
There is no progress. Councillor Thurman would pursue. Rather than closing the byway
Walesby Parish Council.
temporarily there was a proposal to repair.
Ex Glebe Land.
Councillor Thurman and Councillor Braithwaite would look at the evidence forms completed by residents. Discussion would take place as to whether a steering group would be more appropriate to:-
• conduct further investigations relating to the DMMO application
• coordinate evidence and decide next steps/
• explore other sources of support/guidance.
. Proposed David Thurman, Seconded Councillor Sweny. Action: Clerk to obtain advice from Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.
Four footpaths (118, 117, 119, 115)- would be cut twice a year
14. To discuss and resolve on the provision of broadband to the parish
Councillor Thurman reported that ON Lincolnshire who distribute central government subsidies confirmed that Walesby was included in the next phase of development. That phase still seems however to be stalling so we are keeping up the pressure. In parallel to pushing ON Lincolnshire we are part of a West Lindsey initiative to provide assistance using a specially recruited expert to those villages still not connected to superfast broadband.
15. Highways.
a) jetting. Councillor Ashton advised she had received a response regarding the jetting confirming the works to be done. This is on a list of works. There was no record of previous signage on Gypsy Lane.
b) Damaged salt bin on Rasen Road reported. Reference number 4119865. This remained outstanding. Action: Clerk to chase.
c) Flooding issues. Councillor Ashton reported that a camera survey to the culvert and pipe network near the carvan park on Rasen Road was very recently completed. In addition gullies would be installed to alleviate the problem of standing water at this location.
16. To resolve to move into closed session to ratify clerk’s appointment and equipment. Councillor Thurman proposed, Councillor Ashton seconded.
17. Date of next meeting: 8th July 2019 at 7.30pm,
18. Cllr Thurman closed the meeting at 10.00pm