9 November 2020
Minutes of a remote meeting of Walesby Parish Council held on Monday 9 November 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllr David Thurman, (Chairman), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr David Milles, Cllr Judith Sweny. Cllr Mandy Ashley, Cllr Peter Braithwaite and Cllr Tanz Norgrove (after elected).
In attendance: WLDC Cllr S Bunney, Mrs V Davies (clerk), Martin Crutchley (Openreach)
71/2020 Broadband – Presentation from Martin Crutchley BT Openreach.
Following the contract signed with Quickline, LCC had withdrawn the offer to top up the gap of c.£50,000 between voucher value and cost. Martin Crutchley from BT Openreach advised that a revised scheme of £171,000 had been submitted which was under the £180,000 of funding available. This scheme excluded 3 properties which disproportionately increased the cost.
The parish council questioned if the offer this was a fixed cost. This was the case. BT Openreach would confirm the full amount of funding available before the contract was signed. There is a liability of risk if residents did not sign up for a broadband fibre service as the scheme was due to expire in March 2021 and the build will go on past this date. If the scheme extended until September 2021 and somebody dropped out of the scheme BT Openreach could apply for a substitute voucher. However if the scheme did not continue after March 2021 BT Openreach could not apply for a substitute voucher.
72/2020 Co-Option of Councillor
Cllr Ashton proposed, seconded Cllr Braithwaite and unanimously approved by all Councillors to the co-option of Tanzeem Norgrove. The clerk witnessed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Cllr Norgrove was welcomed as a Councillor and was now able to take part in the meeting.
73/2020 Apologies for Absence.
There were no apologies for absence.
74/2020 Declarations of interest under the Localism Act.
Cllr Thurman declared an interest in item 83/2020 Grant application of PCC as he had been PCC treasurer for a number of years. Cllr Thurman would not take part in the discussion regarding the Grant application for the PCC.
75/2020 Minutes. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 14.9.20.
Proposed Cllr Ashton, seconded Cllr Sweny and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of 14.9.20. Cllr Thurman would sign the minutes and post to the clerk.
76/2020 Public Forum.
Proposed Cllr Thurman, seconded Cllr Ashton to suspend the meeting for a public forum.
A Member of the public considered the planning application appeal would affect the character and shape of the village.
Cllr Thurman proposed to close the public forum, seconded Cllr Milles.
77/2020 - Proper Officer’s Report and correspondence
The advice remained that Parish Councils should continue to meet remotely.
The new Parish Council website would be live by the end of December.
Correspondence had been received about Walesby BOAT. The vehicular gates are locked at both ends
The Meeting dates for 2021 had been distributed, proposed Cllr Thurman, seconded Cllr Milles to approve the meeting dates for 2021.
78/20 Finance.
To ratify payments
Chq no
424 Fotherby Parish Council £388.00 HMRC error VAT
reimbursement to wrong parish council
425 D Thurman £13.49 Expenses reimbursement
428 V Davies £138.95 Clerk Salary
429 V Davies £49.64 Clerk Expenses
Proposed Cllr Braithwaite seconded Cllr Ashton to approve the above payments. The clerk would post the cheques to Cllr Thurman for signature. Cllr Thurman had ratified the bank statement.
To note financial report (actual v budget) distributed prior to the meeting.
Cllrs noted the report. Cllr Braithwaite queried the income total of £7000. It included the opening balances of bank accounts. The clerk would separate out in future.
79/20 Footpaths
Discussion took place regarding the ruling that any amendments to the footpaths have to be agreed by 2026. There was an application in process for the footpath at the Glebe. Cllr Braithwaite was concerned to know if our application would fail; he would clarify with the Ramblers Association.
80/20 Highways Update
The Highways report update prepared by Sara Sprague had been issued to councillors. All of the outstanding issues were pending to be completed in November.
The clerk was requested to apply for a litter bin on Walesby Hill. It was proposed to apply for a bin. All Cllrs agreed to the proposal.
81/20 Planning applications.
PROPOSALS: Outline planning application for 1no. dwelling - all matters reserved
location: Land at Catskin Lane Walesby. Cllrs noted the appeal.
141442 Sunnyside Up Farm Shop, Poplar Farm, Tealby Road, Walesby, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3UL. Change of use of land for siting of caravans (lodges) and proposed recreation pond with 20 fishing pegs, to include site levelling using excavated material - resubmission of 140707. Granted time limit +conditions
82/2020 Broadband.
The broadband group were meeting with Quickline to obtain further information regarding their plans.
Cllr Thurman raised the procedural issue of the Parish Council waiving the tendering process outlined in the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
There was concern that by signing the contract the Parish Council would be liable for any shortfall. The BT Openreach offer would give a leeway of approximately £10,000 (six properties). It was believed that all participating residents would take up the service contract following connection.
Cllr Thurman proposed, seconded Cllr Braithwaite and approved by all Cllrs that the PC accept the BT Openreach proposal subject to the parish council resolving the procedural issues. Cllr Thurman would contact West Lindsey District council and other parish councils for information to clarify the situation.
A further brief meeting of the parish council would be required.
83/2020 Grant Application
Cllr Thurman declared an interest and did not take part in the discussion. Cllr Ashton led the discussion. Cllr Sweny proposed, seconded Cllr Ashley to make a grant of £400 to Walesby PCC noting that it was based on the higher additional cost and that we did not want to create a precedent.
84/2020 COVID 19
Sara Sprague had drafted an update encouraging residents to keep the support group updated. It was proposed that Cllr Braithwaite would draft a note from the Parish Council encouraging Parishioners to be transparent if they catch Covid 19 so that the rest of the village are aware and anyone who has been in contact may take extra precautions. This is to be added to that update or to be published separately (since the meeting it was decided not to do this).
85/2020 Adoption of Revised Standing Orders
This was deferred to the next meeting. Cllrs were requested to raise questions with Cllr Thurman and Cllr Braithwaite prior to the next meeting.
86/20 Date of next meeting: A broadband update meeting would be arranged (date to be advised). Next scheduled meeting of Parish Council. 11 January 2021 at 7.30pm. The meeting closed at 21.15