14 September 2020
Minutes of a remote meeting of Walesby Parish Council held on Monday 14 September 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllr David Thurman, (Chairman), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr Mandy Ashley, and Cllr Peter Braithwaite.
In attendance: WLDC Cllr S Bunney, Mrs V Davies (clerk)
57/2020 Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr David Milles and Cllr Judith Sweny.
58/2020 Declarations of interest under the Localism Act.
Cllr Thurman declared an interest as he was related to the resident who’s letter is discussed in the agenda item regarding parking.
59/2020 Minutes. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 31.8.20.
Proposed Cllr Ashton, seconded Cllr Ashley and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of 31.8.20. Cllr Thurman would sign the minutes and post to the clerk. Discussion took place regarding the clerk giving councillors a one week deadline for responding to the draft minutes before they were published on the noticeboard.
60/2020 - Public Forum.
Proposed Cllr Thurman, seconded Cllr Braithwaite to suspend the meeting for a public forum. A member of the public stated they looked forward to physical meetings resuming.
Cllr Thurman proposed to close the public forum, seconded Cllr Ashton.
61/2020 - Co-Option of Councillor
It was resolved that the clerk would post the application forms to Tanzeem Norgrove for her to complete and return to the Clerk. The forms would be witnessed by the Clerk as the Proper Officer at the next meeting and Tanzeem could then participate in the next meeting.
62/2020 - Proper Officer’s Report and correspondence
The advice remained that Parish Councils should continue to meet remotely.
The new Parish Council website would be live in the near future.
There had been issues with speeding in Walesby. Cllr Thurman would chase the County Councillor.
Correspondence had been received about parking in a parking bay. Cllr Thurman had contacted Chris Marsh at Highways to confirm the status of the parking bay. The response had been received that the parking bay is still part of the highway and therefore any person can park in the parking bay. Action: Clerk to respond about the status of the parking bays.
A resident had complained about dogs which had approached him in Otby Lane. Action: Clerk to advise the resident hat the Parish Council has no jurisdiction over this matter which he should refer to the police if he wished to take it further..
63/20 Finance.
To ratify payments
Chq no
421 V Davies £138.14 Clerk Salary
422 D Thurman £18.15 Expenses reibursement
423 V Davies £39.40 Clerk Expenses
£101.68 reimbursement of VAT.
Proposed Cllr Ashley seconded Cllr Ashton to approve the above payments. The clerk would post the cheques to Cllr Thurman and Cllr Braithwaite for signature. Cllr Thurman had ratified the bank statement.
To note financial report (actual v budget) distributed prior to the meeting.
Cllrs noted the report. No questions were raised.
64/20 Footpaths
There were no updates.
65/20 Broadband
There had been very little progress. Cllr Ashton was chasing. Discussion took place regarding whether there were implications in the complying with the tendering process detailed in the Standing Orders. Action: Cllr Thurman to consult West Lindsey District Council and to discuss with Cllrs Braithwaite and Ashton.
66/20 Highways Update
The Highways report and Fly Tipping update prepared by Sara Sprague had been issued to councillors. The main outstanding issues were the drains and culverts on Walesby Hill which Sara Sprague would continue to pursue.
67/20 Planning applications.
There were no planning applications.
68/2020 - Adoption of Revised Standing Orders
This was deferred to the next meeting.
69/2020 - Asset Register
Councillors approved the asset register which had been amended to reflect the purchase of the printer and laptop. Asset Total £958. Discussion took place regarding the ownership of the bench at the bottom of Hall Drive. Action: Cllr Thurman to investigate.
70/20 Date of next meeting: 9 November 2020 at 7.30pm,
The meeting closed at 20.30