9th September 2019
Walesby Parish Council.
Minutes of a meeting of Walesby parish council held on Monday 9 September at 7.30
Present: Cllr David Thurman, (Chairman), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr Sara Sprague, Cllr David Milles. Cllr Mandy Ashley (after co-option). Cllr Judith Sweny (in part.) 5 members of the public
1. Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Judith Sweny, Cllr Peter Braithwaite and Cllr McCartney (WLDC).
2. Declarations of interest under the Localism Act.
None were declared. Declarations would be declared throughout the agenda.
3. Minutes. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 30.7.2019.
Proposed Cllr Ashton, seconded Cllr Sprague and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of 30.7.19. Cllr Thurman signed the minutes.
4. Broadband.
Phase 3 is available for tender with timeframe in the new year. When the deployment plan is available West Lindsey would be considered as soon as possible to upgrade the whole village
Stephen Brookes explained the Gigabit Voucher scheme. A government funded gigabit voucher scheme is available, where residential businesses could claim £2,500 and 10 residential properties per business could claim £500. Mr. Brookes explained that no householders or businesses would be required to pay out any money. Once a village had enough interest a company would come out with a price for the contract and the company would claim the vouchers on the village’s behalf. If there is not enough money Lincolnshire County Council had the capacity to top up to reach the contract price.
The parish council had researched and noted that there were 18 businesses in Walesby. The Parish council needed to obtain a list of all the residents
Walesby Parish Council.
interested in the scheme and contact Steve Brookes when this information was available. A village meeting would be arranged – provisionally Thursday 10 October at 7.30pm.
In the meantime Steve Brookes could also apply to get a Fibre connection into the Village Hall building. Under this scheme Businesses can claim £3,500 and residential premises claim £1,500. Again, there would be no costs to the business or residents and the funding would be claimed from the Government by the provider.
Concern was raised the residents would not want to pay the monthly cost for upgrade.. Mr. Brookes however advised that prices were reducing.but if all residents wanted was 10 MBPS, they could take out a low-cost package.
5. Public Forum
Cllr Thurman proposed Cllr Ashton seconded to suspend the meeting for a 15 minute public forum.
Concern was raised at the time taken to get Fibre to the Cabinet which was discussed 6 years ago and had still not materialised. Fibre to the Home is a bigger job than Fibre to the cabinet and the resident considered it would be prudent to obtain the Fibre to the Cabinet connection in the first instance. Cllr Thurman advised that BT had announced about a year ago that they would not complete any more Fibre to the Cabinet projects. The Parish council would continue to pursue connection under the Gigabit voucher scheme.
The public forum was closed.
6. Co-Option of Councillor
Mandy Ashley had expressed an interest in becoming a councilor. Mandy had lived in the village for a long period of time and knew the village well.
Cllr Milles proposed, Cllr Sprague seconded and the councilors unanimously approved the Co-option of Mandy Ashley.
7. Proper Officer’s Report and correspondence.
The following correspondence had been distributed to councillors:-
• Claxby BOAT. Chris Marsh was applying for capital spend to repair the Claxby BOAT.
• Herrings. DT had contacted the Herrings a possible DMMO for a PROW over the Ex-Glebe land.
• Planning comments from parishioners about the Farthings and Kestrels.
• Bonfires. The district council would be unlikely to take action unless this was a persistent issue.
• Walesby Growth Limit
There had been numerous emails regarding the Local Plan 2 which limits the number of new properties in Walesby to 11 until 2036. The district council did not have any record as whether the foundations on land opposite Red House were made before 2005. The landowner would need to complete a Legal Development Certificate.
• footpath between Rasen Road and Moor Road PROW 947. This had been completed. Action: Clerk to send a thank you to Paul Arden to thank him for organising the cutting.
• LALC weekly news
• Grant considerations. –on the agenda
• Hugo Marflett brief.
• Issues with grass cutting on footpath 117 and 119. For 117 the contractor is only required to cut from Moor road to the back of the council house garden. If any parishioners notice any issues on the footpaths they are requested to contact David Thurman.
• Road Closure. Walesby Hill (from Caistor Lane) The Parish council had written to request further information.
• Speed limit change application. A letter had been received from a resident who lived on the B1225 opposite Stone Farm. The resident had requested a speed limit change application in 2005. This had been refused on financial grounds. There had now been a double fatal accident on this road. Action: Clerk to advise the resident that they are part of the parish and could sign up for emails on the website. The matter would be referred to Cllr Strange LCC for advice.
8. Access to Ex - Glebe land.
Cllr Thurman was going through the process of completion the re-signing of the new evidence forms. Cllr Sprague asked if there were costs involved in the process. This was not the case.
9. Grant Considerations. To consider.
The request for funding from Walesby Parochial Church Council would be considered at the next meeting.
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Ashton seconded and the parish council unanimously approved the policy on grant considerations.
10. Update of Village leaflet. To consider amendments and revisions.
It was resolved that the Village Leaflet would be uploaded to the website with the current content. Any further updates could be included later.
Walesby Parish Council.
11. Highways.
a) To update broken salt bin on Rasen Road.
b) To consider general highways matters, including flooding. There had been no response to flooding issues. Action: Clerk to chase both a) and b).
12. Footpaths. To receive any updates, including BOAT.
Fly tipping. Residents were requested to report incidents of fly-tipping to Cllr Sprague who would log all incidents.
There had been an incident reported of Lymes disease contracted by a tick bite on the path from Walesby to Tealby. A public health leaflet would be displayed in the notice board.
13. Finance.
a) To ratify payments
Payments |
393 |
TJ Bookeeping |
£15.00 |
Book keeping |
394 |
V Davies |
£54.11 |
Clerk expenses |
395 |
V Davies |
£186.19 |
Clerk Salary July and Aug |
Proposed Cllr Thurman, seconded Cllr Ashton and unanimously approved that the above payments be ratified. Cllr Thurman scrutinised the invoices for payment and the cheques were signed by Cllr Thurman and Cllr Ashton. Cllrs received the monthly budget report detailing the expenditure against the budget.
14. Planning
a) Planning applications. To consider the following planning applications:
i) 139780 - Land to r/o Graycroft, Rasen Road, Walesby, Market Rasen, LN8 3UW. Planning application for erection of 1no. dwelling with garage and access from Moor Road.
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Ashton seconded and the Parish Council unanimously agreed to make the following comment:-
“The application has to be refused on the basis that the permitted growth limit of 11 for Walesby under LP2 has now been reached. There has been some doubt as to whether 2 houses under MO3/P/0782 and M00/P/0461 should be included. However the landowner has uncovered in a number of places the foundations which were put in to start the work proving beyond doubt that they are to be included. We understand that further evidence is needed but a decision on this application should be delayed until this is resolved.
Walesby Parish Council.
That apart this application is acceptable except for the comments made by the owners of Wychaway and Stone Cottage next door, with regard to loss of privacy and overshadowing. We feel those comments should be taken into account.”
ii) 139788 - Sunnyside Up Farm Shop Poplars Farm Tealby Road Market Rasen LN8 3UL. Planning application for change of use of land for siting of caravans
Cllr Thurman proposed, Cllr Ashton seconded and the Parish Council unanimously resolved to make the following comments:-
“The site should be well landscaped with planting of trees. There was concern regarding the density of the site with 30 car spaces with little turning space and concern about the proposed access from the main road.”
b) Planning Decisions
i) 139695- Land adjacent Kestrels, Otby Lane, Walesby, LN8 3UT. Planning application for 1no. dwelling, detached garage and new access- Refused
ii) 139701 - Land adjacent, Farthings, Otby Lane, Walesby, Market Rasen, LN8 3UT. Planning Application for 1no. two storey detached dwelling with garage and associated landscaping, parking area and new highway access. Granted subject to time limit and conditions.
c) Views on Planning – Neighbourhood Plan.
It was proposed that Neighbourhood Planning should also be discussed at the Village meeting. Cllr Ashton would attend the training session in Middle Rasen if there were spaces available.
d) Letters from resident re planning application
A letter had been received from a resident claiming the minutes were incorrect. The Parish Council had clarified with West Lindsey Planning department that there were two planning applications which had been refused. Action: clerk to send copy of the planning decision notices to the resident.
15. Date of next meeting: 11 November 2019 at 7.30pm,
The meeting closed at 10.00pm.