Annual meeting with Parishioners 9 May 2022
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held Thursday 6th May 2022 at 7.00pm.
PRESENT: D. Thurman, J. Sweny, D. Milles, J. Ashton,
In attendance: V Davies (Clerk, RFO),
2 Members of the public
1. Minutes Of The Meeting Held 6th May 2021:
The Parish Council resolved that they be signed as a true record. Proposed D Milles, Seconded J Sweny. Unanimously approved by all councillors.
2. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported the following:-
Firstly I would like to thank my fellow councillors in a year that has not been easy as we transitioned from Zoom meetings to lives ones again.
We have had a number of planning applications relating to the development at Poplar Farm Country Estate( Sunnyside). We have opposed the development on environmental grounds but so far they have been passed.
A couple of applications related to changes to existing permissions but there has been nothing else of momentum.
Early on in the year we were suffering from a number of burst pipe issues that seemed not to be dealt with well. We complained to Anglian Water. There have been no issues since.
We finally signed off the BT Broadband contract . That installation is due to be finished later in 2022. Thank you to Cllr Ashton and her steering committee for their hard work and continued perseverance.
Mid -year we put in our comments to the new Central Lincolnshire Plan. The core of the plan was concentrating on development of existing communities rather than development outside of them.
Speeding continued to be a major concern. We therefore distributed a speeding questionnaire to the village. The response was excellent. From the replies we have formulated a plan. We have asked highways via our county councillor Cllr Stephen Bunney for a 20mph speed limit through the village, a 7.5 T weight limit, rumble strips for traffic calming, a 30mph limit along Catskin Lane, and the moving of 30mph signs further outside the village on Walesby Hill. The questionnaire also indicated a need for flashing speed signs. We are currently pursuing the purchase of one that can be moved around the village.
There seem to have been few issues about footpaths. Prow 945 however that crosses from Rasen Road to Moor Road was becoming overgrown as it is not on highways plan for cutting. Cllr Braithwaite contacted the landowner who kindly arranged for the cutting. Thanks to Cllr Braithwaite.
Issues on highways are unending. Cllr Norgrove is constantly monitoring these and reports progress every meeting. She has met with Cllr Bunney and highways representatives to get commitments to sort issues out. Her progress has been good but of course issues constantly arise. Thank you Cllr Norgrove.
We continue to support organisations with grants. The God’s Acre Group which reports to the Parochial Church Council were given a grant for consumables and the Parochial Church Council were given a grant to cover the annual service of All Saints clock.
So in the new year we hope to see the Broadband project completed without any liability on the council and to see considerable progress with our speeding projects.
3.Responsible Financial Officer Report:
The RFO presented the accounts as at 31 March 2022. Reserves to be carried forward are £5361.81.
4. Open Meeting:
Congratulations to the Parish Council for a very busy and proactive year. There were no questions raised.
The meeting closed at 7.10pm