Minutes 20 September 2021
Minutes of a meeting of Walesby Parish Council held on Monday 20 September 2021 at 7.30pm in Walesby Village Hall.
Present: Cllr David Thurman, (Chairman), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr Peter Braithwaite and Cllr Tanz Norgrove.
In attendance: LCC Cllr S Bunney Mrs V Davies (clerk), Peter Odham (National Cycling Championships).
Apologies were received from Cllr Sweney Cllr Ashley and Cllr Milles.
There were no declarations of interest.
Proposed Cllr Ashton, seconded Cllr Norgrove and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of 12.7.21. Cllr Thurman signed the minutes.
Proposed Cllr Thurman, seconded Cllr Norgrove to suspend the meeting for a public forum. Discussion took place regarding speeding which is covered later in the agenda. Cllr Thurman proposed to close the public forum, seconded Cllr Braithwaite.
Peter Odham reported that the National Cycling time trials would take place on Thursday 14th October 2021 and Walesby would be subject to road closures. Any highways issues raised would be dealt with by highways. The main areas for spectators would be Tealby and Caistor. The access routes for Walesby residents would be across to the A46 which would be maintained by police. The parish council questioned if parishioners who lived on the route would be unable to leave their premises. The race organisers would get householders out and social care delivery into the village.
A parishioner questioned if no waiting, no parking cones would be erected in Walesby. Parking control would be addressed by the organisers.
There would be links to the emergency services to enable access for ambulances. A control room would be set up in Tealby village hall.
Cllr Thurman advised on the response to the speeding questionnaire. Out of a distribution of 80+ we had 50 returned –a tremendous result.
The main conclusions of what villagers wanted were:-
Speed Limit – 20mph
Weight Limit – 7.5 tonnes
Traffic calming. Flashing signs and speed bumps were the most popular options.
Catskin Lane – 30 mph speed limit.
These items would be pursued by the parish council with LCC. The Parish council would prepare a report and send to Cllr Bunney, LCC.
Other comments/requests from responders were listed and would be considered bit by bit by Cllrs in future meetings.
Community Speed Watch was also discussed. Sara Sprague volunteered to investigate this and help to set up a scheme if enough volunteers came forward. Cllr Thurman would pass on the details.
A response had been received from Anglian Water to the complaint made by the Parish Council. This has been uploaded to Parish Council Website
The Parish Council had responded to the Central Lincolnshire Plan.
Correspondence received from a parishioner regarding the speeding questionnaire and also regarding the number of parishioners to be allowed at the meeting.
Notice had been received of a temporary Road Closure. Moor Road (Between Walesby Hill & a point 85m West). 8/11/2021 to 10/11/2021. REASON FOR RESTRICTION: New Connection – Anglian Water.
65/2021 FINANCE.
To ratify payments
448 V Davies £180.53 Clerk Salary
449 V Davies £36.78 Clerk Expenses.
Proposed Cllr Thurman seconded Cllr Braithwaite approval of the expenditure.
Cllrs noted the Monthly financial report. Proposed Cllr Ashton, seconded Cllr Norgrove. Cllr Thurman had verified the bank reconciliation.
66/2021 Broadband
The first contract from BT Openreach was received by the Parish Council as the Legal Entity on August 24th. Unfortunately there were several errors and the second version continues to include some details in need of amendment. Councillors have discussed the risk of liability, including residential/business changes, non-compliance of service agreement uptake and vacant properties at the time of the network completion, resulting in possible voucher funding withdrawal. Cllrs had discussed the liability facing the Parish Council and noted that there is a risk if parishioners who had signed up for the vouchers did not then take out a contract. The Parish council considered that this risk is small as long as parishioners fulfil their commitment to take out a contract. Cllr Thurman proposed that the Parish council accept the liability clauses within the contract. Seconded Cllr Braithwaite and unanimously agreed by all Councillors. The contract would be signed by Cllr Thurman on behalf of the Parish council acting as a legal entity.
Following contract agreement, the project will move to the delivery and installation stages and all work will be completed within 12 months. Once the new network is live, service providers will be informed and residents can take up their new service agreements. The Walesby Better Broadband Steering group will continue to oversee these stages and coordinate information and concerns. It would will also keep close liaison with key personnel at BT Openreach and with WLDC.
67/2021 Footpaths
The Clerk had contacted Highways regarding PROW 945 who had responded that this had not historically been regarded as being needed unlike other cuts that are commissioned. Project Austerity has effectively capped the mowing schedule so there isn't the flexibility to add it without identifying and pulling an equivalent length of strimming elsewhere from whatever parish / community. The service is that it will be cut, once per summer, in response to a complaint / service request should one be received.
In the meantime Cllr Braithwaite had spoken with Arden Farms Limited who had arranged for it to be cut along with the whole meadow it crosses. Thanks were given to Cllr Braithwaite arranging this.
Parishioners raised the issues of pot holes in lay-bys and continuously blocked drains. Cllr Bunney would walk around the village with Cllr Norgrove. Cllrs noted the highways report from Cllr Norgrove and thanked her. See below:-
It was noted that some culverts were the responsibility of the land owners. LCC were looking at addressing these issues.
To Note
143348 - Land Adjoining Graycroft, Rasen Road, Walesby, LN8 3UW Planning application to erect 1no. dwelling being a variation of the scheme granted under planning application 139489. Approved
143179 - Sunnyside Up Farm Shop, Poplar Farm, Tealby Road, Walesby, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3UL . Planning application for the change of use of agricultural building to4no. workshop units. Granted time lit restrictions.
143108 - Highfield Farm, Walesby, Market Rasen, LN8 3UU. Application for prior notification for proposed excavation to create a dam to store drinking water for livestock. Approved
142967 - Sunnyside Up Farm Shop, Poplar Farm, Tealby Road, Walesby, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3UL Prior approval for proposed change of use from agricultural building to 4no. workshop units. Application withdrawn.
142675. Application for change of use of land for siting of caravans (lodges) including alterations to vehicular access & creation of vehicular crossover. LOCATION: Hamilton Hill opposite Poplar Farm Tealby Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UL.
142670. Planning application for 1no. dwelling with detached garage, amended house type following planning permission 139780. Land to r/o Graycroft Rasen Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UW. Granted time limited + conditions.
69/2021 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 8 November at 7.30pm. The meeting closed at 21.00