8th July 2019
Notes of Walesby Parish Council Meeting held on 8 July 2019, 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Walesby
Present: Cllr David Thurman (Chair), Cllr Jeanette Ashton, Cllr David Milles, Cllr Judith Sweny,Cllr Peter Braithwaite and 9 members of the public.
In attendance, Cllr S Bunney and Cllr C Mccartney of West Lindsey District Council (WLDC), Mrs. V Davies (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Strange and Cllr Sara Sprague.
2. Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2019
Proposed by Cllr David Milles, seconded by Cllr Sweny and resolved that the notes from the meeting held on 13 May 2019 be approved as a true record and signed as minutes.
4. Public Forum.
Proposed by Cllr Braithwaite and seconded by Cllr Ashton to suspend the meeting to allow 15 minutes of public forum.
The following issues were raised by residents:-
Parishioners asked if there were there any rules regarding bonfires. There were no restrictions on bonfires in Walesby. If they were happening sufficiently often this would be an issue for the Environmental department at WLDC.
Parishioners raised concerns regarding the lack of consideration for planning within the AONB. Previously, there had been guidelines on in-filling in gardens. The Planning Framework had changed and the emphasis is to increase housing. WLDC councillors advised that the Local Plan is to increase the number of houses. In addition, West Lindsey District Council was reviewing the Rural Strategic Network.
5. Proper Officer’s Report
• 17.5.19, 3.6.19 - LALC weekly news
• 4.6.19 – Hugo Marfleet monthly bulletin
• 4.6.19. Planning Application. Planning Application REFERENCE NO: 139489
• Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review. The was open to consultation with comments to be received by 18 July. Action: Councillors to read the Small Villages section and respond to the review consultation summary.
• Footpath – Ex Glebe Land-advice from LALC and Ramblers
• Broadband- response from S Brookes and letter regarding gigabit reception initiative
• Village Hall leaflet-revised sections
• Claxby BOAT-email from Chris Marsh
• Friends of the Old Church Walesby. Proposer Cllr Milles seconded Cllr Ashton approval of the £400 payment for the final annual instalment of grant
6. Broadband.
There was no progress. The Government is introducing a scheme to issue Gigabit vouchers. A supplier can be approached to find out how much the charge would be for installation for one business and 10 private houses. It was resolved unanimously to ask Steven Brookes or one of his team to come along to the next Parish Council meeting. Action: Clerk.
7. Access to Ex Glebe Land
A reply had been received from LALC. The Parish council did not have a duty with regard to an application for a DMMO to reflect the prescriptive right to a PROW but had the power to do so. Cllr Thurman proposed Cllr Ashton seconded forming a steering group.
This would comprise Cllr Thurman, Cllr Braithwaite and a member of the public. The first objective of the group would be to distribute evidence forms. Members of the public who were prepared to give evidence on the forms would be contacted. The Ramblers Association had advised that the steering group keep the evidence as simple as possible.
8. Village Leaflet
This was progressing. The only section remaining was the section on St Mary’s Church.
9. Highways
The following issues had been identified: -
a) Jetting. This is on a list of works and appears to have been done..
b) Standing Water on Rasen Road. Ribbing had taken place which had resolved the situation.
c) Flooding issues. In addition, gullies would be installed to alleviate the problem of standing water at this location. These were awaited.
d) Bottom of Walesby Hill- work still to be done.
e) Damaged salt bin on Rasen Road reported. Reference number 4119865. This remained outstanding.
Action clerk to contact Robin Gill to ask for a progress update on all promised work including edge repairs on Gypsy Lane.
f) There had been several issues of fly tipping. These had been addressed.
10. Footpaths (BOAT)
There was a proposed capital bid to fill in the ruts in the field and restore the byway. Action: Cllr Thurman to contact Cllr Strange for help and Chris Marsh for clarification on plans..
Footpath 947.
Issues were raised regarding access on footpath 947. It is not on the highways planned strimming and highways will not undertake this work. Action: Councillor Thurman to produce a footpath report for Highways and contact Mr Arden the owner for possible helpor permission for us to do it.
Footpath from Walesby Hill to the old Church.
Discussion took place regarding the use of the footpath from Walesby Hill to the old Church. The steering committee would ask the residents who were giving evidence regarding the ex-Glebe land whether they had used the footpath from Walesby Hill to the Old Church. It was resolved that the steering committee would deal with the Ex Glebe land application first and deal with the Footpath from Walesby Hill to the Old Church as a separate application. Cllr Thurman would talk to the landowner. Action: Cllr Thurman.
11. Finance
Proposed by Cllr Thurman, seconded by Cllr Ashton and resolved to accept the financial report from the Responsible Financial Officer, prepared 8/7/2019.
Accounts Summary accepted and the following payments proposed.
388 - West Lindsey DC - £109.17 Election Expenses
389 - V Davies - £120.12 Clerk Salary
390 - V Davies - £62.55 Clerk expenses
391 - Friends of the Old Walesby Church - £400.00 Grant
Proposed by Cllr Ashton, seconded by Cllr Sweny to ratify the above payments.
Cllrs Thurman and Milles signed the cheques. Cllr Thurman scrutinised the invoices for payment and verified the Bank reconciliation.
Cllrs agreed to the purchase the laptop HP 258000. Cost £450 including Microsoft office, McAfee, and set up from PC world. This would be funded from allocated grant from NALC.
12. Planning applications
Application reference no: 139489. Proposal: Planning application to erect 1. dwelling with attached garage. Location: Land adjoining Graycroft Rasen Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UW
The following comments were made:-
There are potential issues with regard to loss of privacy. Some steps had been taken to prevent loss of privacy. It was considered that if the property was built at a slightly different angle i.e. the property is moved 15% anti-clockwise this would reduce the impact.
Planning Application 139701. Proposal. Planning Application for 1 two storey detached dwelling with garage and associated landscaping, parking area and new highway access. Location: Land adjacent Farthings, Otby Lane Walesby. LN8 3UT.
It was resolved to hold an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday 30 July at 7pm to discuss this and any other planning applications.
13. Planning applications update.
Application reference no 139311 – Granted
Proposal: Planning application for the erection of 1no. two storey detached dwelling with associated landscaping and parking area. Location: Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
iii) Application reference no: 139358 - Granted
Proposal: Planning application for replacement windows, installation of patio doors to north elevation, and alterations to porch.
Location: Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
iv) Application reference no: 139346 – No decision
Proposal: Planning application for change of use from 3no. holiday let units to 1no. residential unit with garden space and car port.
Location: Land at Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
v) Application reference no: 139113-Withdrawn
Proposal:Planning application for the erection of 1 house
Location: Mill House Farm
Cllr Thurman closed the meeting at 9.15pm