13th May 2019
Walesby Parish Council
Notice of Annual Meeting of Parish Council
Dear Sir/Madam
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council which will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 13th May 2019 after the annual parish meeting. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
Dated sixth day of May 2019
Viv Davies
Clerk to the Council
Business to be transacted
1. Election of Chairman
2. Election of Vice Chairman
3. Acceptance of Office
4. Apologies for absence
5. Declarations of interest
6. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2019
7. Public Forum
8. Clerk’s report and correspondence
9. Finance:
(i) To agree cheques for payment
(ii) Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2018.
a) To Execute Annual Governance Statement
b) To Approve Statement of Accounts
c) To Execute Certificate of Exemption
d) To Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit
e) To Execute the Notice of Public Rights
10. To discuss and resolve on the renewal of insurance policy
11. Village Leaflet
12. Planning applications
i) Application reference no: 138912
Proposal: Planning application for proposed irrigation pond including site levelling using excavated material and associated agricultural building
Location: Sunnyside Up Farm Shop, Poplar Farm Tealby Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UL
ii) Application reference no: 139311
Proposal: Planning application for the erection of 1no. two storey detached dwelling with associated landscaping and parking area.
Location: Land adjacent to Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
iii) Application reference no: 139358
Proposal: Planning application for replacement windows, installation of patio doors to north elevation, and alterations to porch.
Location: Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
iv) Application reference no: 139346
Proposal: Planning application for change of use from 3no. holiday let units to 1no. residential unit with garden space and car port.
Location: Land at Plovers Moor Road Walesby Market Rasen LN8 3UR
v) Planning applications approved;
13. Footpaths
14. To discuss and resolve on the provision of broadband to the parish
15. Highways
16. To discuss and resolve on Computer Equipment for clerk
15. To resolve to move into closed session to ratify clerk’s appointment